Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At a dental appointment, a large number of patients with general somatic pathology require a purely individual approach to orthopedic rehabilitation. The influence of general somatic changes in metabolic syndrome on the osseointegration of dental implants and the subsequent functioning of orthopedic structures is not in doubt, and is determined by the influence of its components: obesity, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia. Objectives. To analyze possible changes in the condition of the organs and tissues of the mouth in people with metabolic syndrome and their impact on the functioning of orthopedic structures supported by dental implants. Methodology. An analysis was carried out of the scientific literature for the period from 2000 to the present, devoted to the influence of somatic pathology, in particular metabolic syndrome, on the condition of the mouth and the functioning of orthopedic structures based on dental implants. Results. Among dental changes in people with metabolic syndrome, in almost all cases there are changes in the organs and tissues of the mouth of varying degrees of severity. The pathogenesis of pathological processes is based on microcirculatory, metabolic, enzymatic and immunological disorders. It is obvious that in patients with metabolic disorders, the risk of development, severity and manifestation of pathological changes in the tissues of the jaws surrounding orthopedic structures supported by dental implants is much higher. Conclusions. An analysis of the literature has fully shown that issues of dental rehabilitation, and especially the use of orthopedic structures based on dental implants as support in people with metabolic syndrome, do not have proper justification and in-depth study. The issues of carrying out important clinical stages in the manufacture of orthopedic structures for people with metabolic syndrome are practically not covered.

dentition defect, dental implantation, dental prosthetics for somatic pathology, prosthetics supported by dental implants, metabolic syndrome, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity

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